AMEC Lay President
Matikane Abednego Makiti
Greetings my Beloved Brothers and Sisters! I greet you in the matchless name of our Savior Jesus, the Christ.
I praise God for the opportunity given to me at the 37th Biennial session to be elected as your President for the next four years! The Lord knows my sincere desire to serve and expand the ministry through love for our Lay in the Connectional Lay Organization. Please walk with me as I work in unity with your elected officers, committee volunteers and the many others who faithfully give their time and talents for the betterment of lay ministry throughout the A.M.E. Church Connection.
Please take the time to review all of the wonderful information on our website. We have history, resources and connections to our officers and district lay presidents available on our website.
Our flagship publication, WeSpeak, is now available in digital format so that we may serve all lay persons with timely information on the many lay ministries occurring throughout the Connection. Electronic copies are available.
We are excited to introduce our new publication, the CLO Historical Journal which you may purchase in our online store. We have a rich history throughout the 20 districts currently served by our great church and we celebrate the sacrifices and great accomplishments of our ancestors.
The best is yet to come!
Peace and Blessings,
Bro. Matikane Abednego Makiti
President, Connectional Lay Organization